e-commerce website built with React.nodejs



    This is a responsive e-commerce website I built with React and Nodejs. Users can browse, add goods to the cart, and checkout with a valid credit card number

Live Demo    (you can use this test credit card #: 4242 4242 4242 4242) 

          Repo frontend

          Repo backend


              First things first - creating a landing page  


  I wanted to spend some time making the marketing page look good because I felt like an ecommerce site should look as attractive as possible. Styling was done with vanilla css. I made sure this site was responsive using media queries.


   Creating the backend

  I didn't think I would need my own backend for this project but I couldn't find an API that fit the type of products I wanted to "sell". So I created my own. Two notable features I used are: JWT authentication and Stripe (to process the payment by customers). The backend is set up  so that users can login or checkout as guests and it will handle the payments by interacting with stripe.. One bad thing about Stripe is that it will not send an automatic confirmation email to customers if you use a test API key.

   The Frontend 

 Created with my favorite framework: React. I used Redux for state management even though  good old prop drilling would have been easier and faster for this site. Biggest challenge was setting up Stripe to post payment to my backend. It was not hard, I just never used it before.



  It was really fun making a mock page of a cute little store. If I wanted, I can selling products on it as a side hustle! Some of the things I feel like I can add in the  future is the ability to add items to the store as a seller and the ability to store user purchase history. Finally, I loved making this site and look forward to adding to it in the future.










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