What I learned today:

CI/CD stands for continuous integration and continuous delivery. It is a set of practices and tools to streamline and improve the process of software and delivery. Specifically, we are talking about doing the build, deploy and test phases in small frequent steps. Overall, CI/CD make delivery more efficient and reduces the manual overhead involved.

Continous Integration - Automating the frequent merging of code, often many times a day. An important part of this process is version control using a shared repository like git to catch merge conflicts before we ship it. The next step after merge is to compile, test the code(Ideally, this is what we should do but I have worked in repos where we didn't do testing but we were siloed so I couldn't do much) and build

Continous Delivery - automates the deployment process so that changes to the codebase can be automatically released. Once the code passes all the tests, the pipeline automatically deploys to a staging or production environment. 

Benefits of CI/CD: 

  • Faster Time to Market.
  • Improved Code Quality: testing can catch things earlier
  • Lower Risk: Frequent integration and deployment makes it easier to catch any issues during the process
  • Better Collaboration: Everyone can see the status of the integration and deployment at any time.


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